Hair! (Flow it, show it, long as God can grow it, my hair)
When you think about protection from the sun’s rays you think of your skin. Your skin is very important, and deserves thorough daily sunscreen application. There is another part of your body that is exposed to the sun every day, and yet you probably don’t even think about protecting it… your hair. Can the Sun Damage Your Hair? You may not think much about protecting your hair from sun damage because it’s not living and therefore, can’t get sunburned or develop life-threatening diseases like cancer. Also, if your hair becomes…
I Wear My Sunglasses at Night
Every part of your body that sees the sun’s rays is susceptible to premature ageing and skin cancer. The best defense, aside from staying inside all the time which is not recommended, is to apply sunscreen. There happens to be one place that we cannot and should not apply sunscreen, our eyes. Eyes and the Sun Just like your skin, your eyes can get sunburned. Your eyelids are designed to protect your delicate eyes but the skin is so thin that light passes through, including sunlight. Over exposure to the…
Ageing is inevitable but we can do something every day to help keep our skin looking and feeling youthful. The number one cause of early skin ageing and skin cancer is the ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun. It breaks down our skin’s connective tissues, damages DNA and contributes to wrinkles and sagging. There are two types of UV light that we think about with regards to our skin, UVA and UVB. UVA rays cause the ageing effects (wrinkles and sagging) we see in our skin and can damage the…